Most of our customers were concerned about the effectiveness of PQ Earplugs but there were other most frequently asked questions. We thought it might be useful to you. So here you go, Top 5 Frequently Asked Questions About Foam and Silicone Earplugs:
1. Do these work in small ears? Most plugs fall out of mine.
PQ earplugs are made of the soft and elastic material of generation "E-SOFT". You can twist them into a very thin tube and place them in the ear canal easily. Then the foam begins to expand. The earplugs are inserted into your ear canal thereby securely fixing your position. There are always exceptions, but in the vast majority of cases - yes, PQ earplugs are suitable for small ears.
For your information:
2. How long to hold in the ear until it’s fully expanded?
In 5-15 seconds they expand gently into your ear canal to stay in place and prevent noise from entering. The Earplugs expand maximum in 30 seconds.
3. Are these Earplugs essentially for one time use?
We do not recommend using Foam Earplugs more than 3 times. Disposable foam earplugs may lose elasticity after a single usage; if reused they might not expand properly in the ear and would, therefore, offer less sound reduction than specified by the manufacturer. They can also harbor bacteria and collect earwax, and might not be designed to withstand washing.
4. Will I still hear barking dogs and alarm clock?
PQ Earplugs do a fantastic job of deadening loud sounds and at the same time, you will be able to hear when someone close to you is trying to get your attention. Yes, you'll be able to hear your alarm clock without any problems. Just make sure that your alarm clock is near the bed and installed on a higher point.
If you correctly insert our earplugs then you will practically not hear extraneous sounds. However, It will still depend on where the dog is. If it's on the street - you won't hear, if it comes to wake you up - then you will!
5. Are these as effective at blocking out background noise as the Silicone Earplugs?
They are more comfortable, especially if you're a side sleeper. The effectiveness is not very different, but they are not reusable, so if a pair of earplugs become dirty - better take a new one.
These earplugs are flexible and can squeeze good enough to take the shape of any type of ear it provides a high level of the noise reduction, and it is soft enough for a comfortable sleep on your side.
1. How many times can I use them? How to clean the Silicone Earplugs?
Silicone earplugs are reusable, but make sure to wash them frequently. The easiest way to clean Silicone Earplugs is to use soap (mild detergent) and warm water. Make certain they are thoroughly dried out before reuse.
2. What is NRR?
NRR is 34 dB and it cancels out a decent amount of sound, deadens loud sounds. You will be able to take some rest with music going on in the distance or a voice traffic around your area. Earplugs allow you to feel comfortable in a noisy environment at malls, in crowds or in public. Hearing protection offer provides an uncompromised balance between performance and comfort.
3. How are they for shooting? Are these for “load” events or loud events?
Most of our clients that use our earplugs for shooting are ones who don’t like big ear muffs. They will do their work in protecting your eardrums and reduce the most part of shots’ noise.
These Earplugs muffle external sounds whether you are at your favorite rock bands concert, in crowds, camping, having a field trip or going to ball games. They are perfect for loud events and suppress noise very effectively.
4. How deep into ear canals should you insert them?
For the best noise reduction, carefully insert plugs as deep as possible until you start to feel the vacuum. This will increase a noise reduction level and the earplugs will be fixed well in ear canals.