After a long day it feels so good to finally give in to your warm and cozy bed and peacefully fall asleep... But if you or your partner snore, having proper rest during the night is not that easy.
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Snoring can be a sign that you have health problems
If while snoozing a person not only snores but also makes loud whistling sounds, it can indicate sleep apnea ‒ a short-term breathing disorder during sleep. This condition is associated with heart disease, hypertension, diabetes. In addition, some doctors believe that regular snoring indicates a high risk of stroke. In fact, the vibration of the tissue during snoring increases pressure on blood vessels and narrows the arteries. If you snore, feel sleepy during the day and notice you’re finding it hard to remember things, do not delay your visit to the doctor.
The more you weight, the louder you snore
In obese people, the fat on the neck puts pressure on the airways, they narrow and the likelihood of snoring increases. The good news is that losing just 10% of your body weight can make a big difference.
Smoking provokes snoring
Smokers, in fact, snore TWICE as often as those who never tried cigarettes? The reason is that cigarette smoke irritates the throat, causing tissue to swell. Heavy smokers often develop inflammation in the airways and decreased moisture levels, which eventually lead to snoring.
More wine? More snoring
Alcohol has a relaxing effect on the central nervous system, and the body makes more effort to keep breathing during sleep. When the tissues and muscles of the airways relax, you’re more likely to start snoring.
Don’t sleep on your back
Try sleeping on your side instead of sleeping on your back and avoid pillows that are too high ‒ they can also increase snoring. It is better to raise the mattress at the head of the bed by 10-15 cm.
So how can you stop snoring?
To find out what triggers snoring, you should visit a doctor, and they’ll help you deal with the most common causes ‒ allergies, excess weight, bad habits, medication. If there is no indication for serious medication or surgery, you can try to stop the snoring yourself.
Anti-snoring checklist:
- Prefer side sleeping over other sleeping positions.
- Before going to bed, don't consume alcohol.
- Maintain a healthy weight.
- Try exercising for at least 10 minutes a day.
- Visit your dentist, ENT and therapist to get anti-snoring devices or to decide if surgery is needed.
There are different reasons behind snoring, including health problems, bad habits and simply your sleeping position. If you or your partner’s snoring gets so loud that it wakes you up or doesn’t let you fall asleep; and even noise-cancelling ear plugs don’t save the day night, it’s time to see a doctor. Some home remedies such as changing the sleep position, trying anti-snoring devices, quitting smoking and drinking alcohol can help, but they will never be better than medically approved treatment.